
At Harmony Integrative Healthcare, we are proud to help our patients who are going through menopause.

Most women experience menopause naturally after the age of 45, though symptoms can begin earlier. During this time, women typically stop having a monthly period as the ovaries stop producing progesterone and estrogen. 

Common symptoms women experience during menopause include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, hair loss on the head and growth on the face, and difficulty focusing. 

We know that these changes to the body can be difficult to navigate, and we are here for our patients who are learning to cope with menopausal symptoms. We take patient health and wellbeing very seriously, and we will carefully consider your medical and family history before recommending treatment for your symptoms. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are at an increased risk for osteoporosis, breast cancer, or heart disease, as these are important considerations when creating a treatment plan. 

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with menopause, contact us today at (602) 888-6883. We would love to help you! 

Menopause FAQs

Below, you will find some commonly asked questions about menopause and our expert answers.

Q: What is menopause?

A: Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It occurs when the ovaries cease to produce eggs and hormone levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone, decline. Menopause is typically diagnosed when a woman has gone without a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months.

Q: What are the common symptoms of menopause?

A: Menopause can bring about a variety of symptoms that vary in intensity and duration for each woman. Some of the most common symptoms include:
  1. Hot flashes and night sweats.
  2. Irregular menstrual cycles.
  3. Vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse.
  4. Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety.
  5. Sleep disturbances and insomnia.
  6. Fatigue and lack of energy.
  7. Changes in libido and sexual function.
  8. Weight gain and changes in body composition.
  9. Cognitive changes, such as memory lapses and difficulty concentrating.

Q: How long does menopause last?

A: The duration of menopause can vary from woman to woman. On average, menopause symptoms may last for several years. The transition leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, can begin several years before the last menstrual period and is characterized by hormonal fluctuations and the onset of symptoms. Postmenopause refers to the phase after menopause when symptoms typically subside.

Q: Can menopause be treated or managed?

A: While menopause is a natural process, the symptoms associated with it can be effectively managed to improve quality of life. At Harmony Integrative Medicine, we take a holistic approach to menopause care. Our experienced healthcare providers may recommend a combination of treatments, which can include:
  1. Hormone therapy: This involves the use of medications, such as estrogen or progesterone, to alleviate menopausal symptoms.
  2. Lifestyle modifications: Healthy lifestyle practices, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress reduction techniques, and getting adequate sleep, can help manage menopause symptoms.
  3. Nutritional counseling: Our experts can provide guidance on diet and nutrition to support hormonal balance and overall well-being.
  4. Herbal remedies and supplements: Certain herbs and supplements, such as black cohosh or soy isoflavones, may offer relief for some women. Our healthcare providers can discuss the potential benefits and risks.
  5. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT can help women develop coping strategies for managing emotional and psychological symptoms associated with menopause.

Q: Can menopause increase the risk of certain health conditions?

A: Menopause is associated with an increased risk of certain health conditions. These include osteoporosis, heart disease, and changes in cholesterol levels. However, with appropriate lifestyle modifications, regular check-ups, and preventive measures, the risks can be minimized. Our healthcare providers can guide you on maintaining optimal health during and after menopause.

Q: Can I still have children after menopause?

A: Menopause signifies the end of natural fertility. Once menopause is reached, it is highly unlikely for a woman to conceive naturally. However, it’s essential to continue using contraception until a healthcare provider confirms that you are postmenopausal.
If you have further questions or would like to discuss menopause management options personalized to your needs, please contact us at Harmony Integrative Medicine. We are here to provide compassionate care and support during this transformative phase of your life.